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This Membership category is designed for individuals including, but not limited to wine educators, retailers, restaurateurs, servers, hospitality industry professionals, chefs, grape growers, winemakers, wine judges, wine journalists, wine marketing professionals, and serious wine hobbyists.

Professional Benefits

  • Professional member status, with full voting rights in annual board elections
  • Online prep classes for the CSS and CSW, available free-of-charge to members who hold a valid exam credit
  • Access to SWE’s Membership Portal
  • Members-only webinars
  • Blank maps for the study of wine and spirits
  • Full access to the SWE Wine & Spirits Academy
  • Member pricing for all SWE events and certification programs
Wine Professional


The Corporate Membership category is designed for those businesses possessing a group of individuals interested in belonging to and participating in the Society of Wine Educators.

Corporate Benefits

  • 20 Professional memberships with full voting rights in annual board elections
  • Business logo included on SWE website
  • Access to SWE’s Membership Portal
  • Use of “Corporate Sponsor of SWE” and SWE logo on all business documents
  • Special discounts on professional development and certification programs


The Industry Membership category is designed for any organization that buys, sells or markets wines, or provides other products, services, and education to the wine and spirits field.

Industry Benefits

  • 5 Professional memberships with full voting rights in annual board elections
  • Use of “Industry Sponsor of SWE” and SWE logo on all business documents
  • Access to SWE’s Membership Portal
  • Special discounts on professional development and certification programs
  • Full access for all members to the SWE online Wine & Spirits Academy

If you would like to sponsor the Society of Wine Educators please contact Ben Coffelt, The SWE offers a wide variety of sponsorship opportunities and we’ll be happy to work with you on finding the right fit.

How it Works

The Society of Wine Educators has the resources you need to advance your knowledge and expertise in the wine and spirit industry.

Create Your

Click account to create your new user account.

a Member

Go to Catalog + Store to purchase a Professional, Industry, or Corporate membership.


Choose your preferred study resources: Study Guides/Workbooks, flashcards/practice exams/ map exercises, and online prep classes.


Purchase the certification or certificate of your choice in our Catalog + Store. Once, you have your exam authorization email, schedule your exam in-person or online.


You can keep up with the latest trends and info with our monthly Webinars.

Corporate Sponsors